Thursday, January 30, 2014

Seismic Testing

The issue of seismic testing is becoming larger and larger by the day. The government wants to conduct seismic tests off the east coast to test for natural resources under the oceans crust. This will have a detrimental effect on the marine life if the proposed plan is approved. The seismic blasts, which are louder than a jet engine, have the ability to burst marine mammals eardrums and displace countless numbers of fish and turtles who will be scared of the seismic waves. The government tried to conduct these experiments along the California coast but organizations such as Oceana stepped up and deafened the ocean's ecosystem. This is a huge issue as it will have multiple negative effects on not only our local economies but the health and diversity of the thriving ecosystems of the Gulf Stream which fisherman rely heavily on for their own survival. In my opinion the government only cares about money and their personal wealth while disregarding the environmental impact they leave behind. The public needs to be educated on the dangers of this issue in order to protest against the plan for offshore seismic testing.