Thursday, November 7, 2013

FDA and Trans Fat

FDA Takes on Trans Fat

A positive change that is currently taking place in our country is the regulation of the use of trans fat in our foods. Trans fat is used by distributing companies to add flavor, elongate shelf life, and to make food look pretty. However, trans fat has no purpose other than that. Our bodies don't know how to break down trans fat and therefore proposes complications to our health such as heart disease, raises bad cholesterol and lowers good, and increases risk for heart attacks. I am really proud of our government for our government to focus on something as important to the publics health as this. This is hopefully the first step of many to reforming what goes into our food and what we eat. This applies to AP Gov because the FDA is part of the government and they are trying to pass a new law.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree. This is just the first of many ingredients that need to be investigated in our food. The best way to keep from taking in harmful artificial ingredients is to buy local products. This also supports important local businesses.
