Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Known Unknowns about Obamacare"

President Obamas new Obamacare has received a huge amount of scrutiny, especially due to the fact that the website made to sign up for this health care policy did not work at all. Now they say they finally have fixed the issues on the website but why are they not being upfront about three things: How many people actually visited the site, how many signed up, and just how messed up the information that the insurance companies are getting. This new health care policy is obviously a total mess and they people running it aren't even giving reasons for it, they are simply avoiding discussing the issue. White House press secretary Jay Carney said that over one million people visited the site which proves that a massive amount of people would like quality affordable health insurance. However, they are being blocked by the system which won't allow them to receive health care. The most disturbing issue is that the information that is going to insurance companies is not accurate and this is how they decide what to charge you on a monthly bases. My personal opinion is that they need to shut it down completely and actually fix all the bugs and issues embedded into the program before embarrassing themselves again.

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