Thursday, December 19, 2013

Review: NSA snooping program should stay in place

The NSA has been scrutinized by the media and public for their snooping around taking information from electronics and saving it for "safety reasons."Although this seems like a clear violation of our right to privacy, Obama thinks otherwise and thinks we need to keep this controversial program in place. Because of the Patriot Act the government has the right to strip you of your rights and do whatever they feel the need to do if you are considered a terrorist or threat to the security of the nation. The NSA claims they are only collecting all this information to protect the U.S. from possible threats but is that what is really going on? Of course they wouldn't tell us the truth behind their reasoning so one can only guess. The presidential Review Group on Intelligence, which was only created because Edward Snowden was able to expose all this corruption to the public in our government, decided that the organization needs more strict judicial oversight and boundaries. This is the first step in taking action to protect our civil liberties guaranteed to us by the constitution and hopefully there will be many more to provide a clear distinction on how deep the government can go into our personal lives.

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